
2015/04/16 23:59

2015年04月16日(木)7 tweets

  1. #NowPlaying "Calypso For Africa" by eXodus on album "Steelpan Complete Best"
    posted at 21:49:35
  2. #NowPlaying "あこがれのリオデジャネイロ -Makoto Ozone Solo" by 塩谷哲 on album "DUET with Makoto Ozone"
    posted at 20:46:12
  3. #NowPlaying "帰れない二人" by 井上陽水 on album "井上陽水プラチナ・ベスト~アーリー・タイムズ~"
    posted at 19:45:25
  4. #NowPlaying "宇宙戦争" by Neil Norman Orchestra on album "SF & Action Movie Themes"
    posted at 18:45:35
  5. #NowPlaying "Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets – Fawkes The Phoenix" by John Williams on album "The Best Mus…
    posted at 16:01:07
  6. #NowPlaying "Peace Be With You" by Beau Young on album "Beautiful Songs ~ココロデ キク ウタ~"
    posted at 15:00:01
  7. #NowPlaying "The girl in Byakkoya" by Susumu Hirasawa on album "Paprika Soundtrack"
    posted at 13:59:54

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